H.C. Ørsted: Research, general education and aesthetics

H.C. Ørsted: Research, general education and aesthetics

The lecture will focus on 3 themes in Ørsted's biography:
1. The paradigm shift of HICP research into electromagnetism inwarted in European natural sciences.
2. The perception of pedagogical theory and practice that HCØ sought to promote with the formation of the CUNNING, including the role of science and mathematics in general formation.
3. HICP lifelong interest in the relationship between natural sciences and aesthetics, including his notions of the rational unconscious in tone and image art and in scientific research.
4. Good time for questions, comments and discussion.

Info box:

H.C. Ørsted: Research, general education and aesthetics

Date: Dec 9, 2019
Time: 19.30-21.30

Lecturer: Professor Emeritus Dan Charly Christensen

The Lecture is held: Auditorium 1, H.C. Ørsted Building, University Park 5, 2100 Copenhagen Island.

Please note that parking is not allowed in front of the main entrance to Universitetsparken 5. You can park between the H.C. Ørsted Building and August Krogh Building, in the slightly makeshift car park right next to the new construction, but it requires a special Parking permit. Parking permits can be obtained from SNUs representative at the main entrance to University Park 5 between 10:00 and 18:00. 18:45 - 7:15 pm and must be filled in with car number and date and placed in the windscreen. Easypark can be parked along Nørre Allé.
There is good public transport to University Park, buses 184, 185 and 150S all have stops at University Park, and bus 6A has stopped nearby.

The lecture is part of HCØ2020: The celebration of the 200th anniversary of H.C. Ørsted's discovery of electromagnetism and is supported by the Carlsberg Foundation.