Ørsted silver medal receives funding from TICRA Foundation and SNU calls for nominations for the

Ørsted silver medal receives funding from TICRA Foundation and SNU calls for nominations for the

Selskabet for Naturlærens Udbredelse (SNU) kan i 2024 fejre sit 200 års jubilæum. Som optakt har SNU netop opnået støtte fra TICRA Fond til at uddele en H.C. Ørsted sølvmedalje hvert år fra 2021 – 2024. Med sølvmedaljen følger et legat på 20.000 kr.

With his discovery of electromagnetism in 1820, H.C. Ørsted laid the foundation stone for the electrotechnical sciences on which TICRA bases its business.  TICRA is a world leader in innovative solutions for modelling antennas for satellites. These antennas transmit and receive electromagnetic signals.

 The award of the 4 silver medals is intended as a series with special attention to skilled teachers and intermediaries at universities and researchers as well as engineers in companies that make a special effort to create synergy and cooperation between companies and universities, within the entire subject spectrum that underlies education and research in the field of electrical engineering.

In 2021, the awards are expected to take place in October and universities and companies are hereby invited to send nominations of relevant candidates by 30 July to

In the last 20 years, the silver medal has only been awarded 3 times: to science editor, PhD Jens Ramskov, professor, PhD Thomas Bolander and professor, PhD Anja C. Andersen.

H.C. Ørsted founded SNU in 1824 with the aim of communicating natural sciences to all Danish citizens, and the Company has ever since actively contributed to creating living communication and dialogue opportunities between citizens and the scientific frontrunners in the most accessible technical and science disciplines.

The company's lectures are public and are also subsequently posted on SNUs YouTube channelas far as possible .

Man kan læse mere om Ticra på deres hjemmeside

The press release can be downloaded here.