Life in the Universe

Are there lives anywhere in the universe than here on Earth?
This is one of the major issues that humanity has been faced with over many centuries.

Fifteen years ago, the first planet outside our own solar system was found, and today we are aware of over 320 planets around other stars where there may be a likelihood of finding other ways of life. Anja C. Andersen will describe in his lecture the evolution of the universe, and she will discuss whether life is a natural part of this development.

Anja C. Andersen researches how Stardust is formed in Dying stars and what importance it plays for the formation of new
Planets and stars. She is known from the media as a popular facilitator within the astronomical and astrophysical field.

Info box:

Life in the Universe

Date: 14. SEP 2009
Time: 19:30:00

Lecturer: Associate Professor Anja Andersen
Institution: Niels Bohr Institute, DARK

The Lecture is held: Geological Museum
